The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I became a Board-certified radiologist in 1969 after serving a 4-year residency at the Univ. of Washington.The major component of my career has been the two private outpatient offices I had in the Coachella Valley (Palm Springs, CA). FOr several reasons I unloaded this practice in '01, underwent the first of three major surgeries. Am moderately disabled (walking)- no wheelchair. Since '01 I moved to the high Desert (Victorville, Apple Valley and Lancaster[CA not PA]). JAN '09 moved back to Palm Springs (Rancho Mirage). I still work a few hours a day doing teleradiology. X-ray images are sent to my home computer from LA. Sounds like Brave New World. Am divorced with three daughters scattered in So. Calif. Am just as boring as ever- But I drive an ORANGE Mustang convertible! Still play jazz tenor saxophone with even less skill than when I played "well". I also write big band arrangements, of which I'm proud. Am even prouder of my beautiful granddaughter- Miss America 2023. I'm also Penn State proud. Attended the Rose Bowl Jan 1 09. Was proud of the Lions even in defeat. No college team in the nation could have beaten USC that day. They were spectacular, did everything right. The Lions fought till the end and could hold their heads high even in defeat. Joe Paterno is a national treasure and having him as State is a blessing. I hope he goes on for another ten years.